Theoretical analysis of reinforcement layers in bonded flexible marine hose under internal pressure


This paper portrays the results of analytical study on reinforcement layers of bonded flexible marine hose under internal pressure. Based on the anisotropic laminated composite theory, a complete theoretical solution is chosen to elaborate on the mechanical behaviour of the convoluted reinforcement layers. The developed method aims to set up a unified mathematical approach which can be suitable for arbitrary multi-layers composite of synthetic fibers in reinforcement structure. Comparative case studies are made to verify the accuracy of the method which are in agreement with the published results of four layered filament-wound composite pipe. An extended case study on a typical fourteen-layered reinforcement structure is carried out for investigating the variations of stresses and strains. Furthermore, considering the practical application in offshore engineering, parametric analysis on different known conditions,verification with experimental and numerical results are applied. Failure analysis on Tsai-Hill failure criterion are also proposed to analyze the capability of practical reinforcement layers in bonded flexible marine hose.

In Engineering Structures
Yang Zhou
Yang Zhou
Associate Professor, Master/PhD Supervisor

The main leader of the intelligent perception area at the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) team in Shanghai University.